A blog about me, my dog, my boyfriend, and friends and family. But mostly me. And my often hilarious attempts to become domestic.

Friday, January 27, 2012

What is so "Pinteresting" about Pinterest?

It's 5:20 am and of course I am still awake. This is a common trend for me- especially when I have the next day off. So, with all of these spare hours while I am at home alone I try to do something somewhat worthwhile with my time. For instance, tonight I watched all of the episodes of Chelsea Lately I had fallen behind on! See? COMPLETELY worthwhile. While doing this my precious baby puppy slept and loudly snored next to me...quality alone time with my 4-legged baby! 

Yes, still completely wide-eyed at 5am...how typical.
Well, once the episodes were over, I was kind of over having my TV on. After catching up on all the other blogs I currently am obsessed with (i.e. Stop Me If You've Heard This One) (more about that later) I decided I wanted to check out this Pinterest craze every female from here and back is obsessed with. And honestly, I JUST DON'T GET IT! Maybe I am just not utilizing it how it was intended. Every time I go to the website, I just see random pictures of things I'm really not too interested in. For instance right now this is what I see:

A bunny rabbit?

What does said bunny rabbit have to do with anything? I always see people posting awesome crafts that they find or recipes or activities but I just never find anything that peaks my interest? If you make an account does it make it more thrilling? Right now, I am trying to add some "flair" to the walls of my house. I have a few pretty big blank spots on my walls but I just can't decide what I want to put there. I was hoping that Pinterest would have some tips for me but I don't even know where to begin to look. Any Pinterest savvy users out there that can point me in the right direction?

Ok, so like I said earlier, I am currently obsessed with this blog called "Stop me if You've Heard This One". It is just a blog made by a newlywed 20-something year old girl named Justine living in Long Island (I already feel creepy saying all of that, I feel like I know so much about this girl and her husband and her job and she HAS NO IDEA WHO I AM!) haha. I don't even remember how I stumbled across her blog but I am hooked. She has a life I would love to have (not to say I don't love mine)! She lives right outside of New York City with an awesome job and is a newlywed and she is just so crafty and witty! I highly recommend checking it out to any other creepy bloggers out there that want to read about a random stranger's life!

Alright, I have got to try to get to sleep now! I am going to try to get up and do a midday yoga class at LifeTime and I don't want to fall asleep in the "lotus pose" (I had to look that up...that's how green I am to working out)

Oh, my little brother has baseball tryouts for his high school tomorrow so everyone keep your fingers crossed for him!

Goodnight ya'll!

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