A blog about me, my dog, my boyfriend, and friends and family. But mostly me. And my often hilarious attempts to become domestic.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 18th, 2012- Day 1 of blogging!

Today (well yesterday now) was the day I woke up and decided I was going to finally start my blog. I am still learning how to navigate the pages and make shortcuts and am no where near as savvy as I wish I was BUT I am committed to learning.

For my first actual blog post I just want to write about what I did today. All day long I was extra conscious of the things I was doing and taking pictures to document because I knew I was going to start a blog at the end of the day. Luckily, I had a fun filled day and am excited to show you some of the hilarious pictures Wes and I took while he helped me dye my hair! (I'm telling you, he is a keeper! How many guys will help their girl do their hair?)

Haha I love this picture because he looks so confused about what he is about to do!

He actually did a really good job for a first timer and I really appreciate his help! This picture was taken at the very end of the day...well actually it was late at night (I'll write more about earlier in the day down below). We had some great laughs while we were doing it, especially because the gloves were obviously made for a female with petite hands. 

A couple days ago Wes and I decided that we needed to detox our bodies. There are certainly people less nourished than we are and who lead a far more unhealthy lifestyles but I can't think of many. I actually LOVE all fruits and vegetables and if I had a personal chef (because like I said, I am a tornado in the kitchen), an endless supply of money, and more time, I would eat all organic, all vegetarian, ALL THE TIME. Wes, on the other hand, well he would (and almost does) live off of cookies and cream ice cream, milk, and donuts. It's bad. That is all he wants to eat. Oh, and Whataburger is always good. Overall, the foods and drinks that we put into our bodies on top of all the other terrible things we  inhale, ingest, touch, etc etc on a day to day basis was enough to make us want a change. Also, Wes' mom is borderline diabetes and Wes is scared that he is going to develop diabetes also. 

All of this built up had Wes doing some research online about alternative healthy lifestyles and came across a documentary called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead". He watched it and that's when everything changed! 

Please observe the fridge! All fruits and vegetables. We are now on a 2 week juice fast. NO SOLIDS, NO ALCOHOL, NO SODAS, NO CAFFEINE! NOTHING!  YIKES! We went to Bed Bath and Beyond and purchased a new juicer then went to Whole Foods to do some (HIGHLY OVERPRICED) shopping! After about $80 dollars in groceries we thought we would be good for about a week of juice. HA! We were definitely joking ourselves. It is all almost gone and its only been 2 days! After some more research we found that a juice diet costs about $28 a day per person so I guess we need to budget more money for grocery shopping for the next couple weeks!

After juicing our dinner, I gave Wes a haircut and then he helped me dye my hair. After that we curled up in bed where he watched "Rum Diary" online and I indulged in my guilty pleasure- celebrity magazines! 


Sorry for the random post...but it's my first one and I just wanted to give ya'll a taste of what a day in our lives is like. Pretty goofy! Stay tuned for yummy juice recipes and to follow my progress on my juice fast. I'm pretty nervous about it!

Talk to ya'll tomorrow

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